
Ports of China

2022-04-25 15:03

1. Definition of basic port and non-basic port
  • Basic port: refers to the port where the shipping lines' vessels generally make layover.
  • Non-basic port: All ports that are not basic ports are referred to as non-basic ports. Non-basic ports generally require additional transshipment surcharges on top of the basic port charges. Because inland ports or small ports need a barge to reach the basic port first in order to depart from China. 

2. Main ports of China
The basic ports in China are: Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. 

In the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong, for example, although there are ports in Foshan/Zhaoqing/Zhongshan, the basic way to export to outside countries is to first take a barge in Foshan/Zhaoqing/Zhongshan, and then the barge will arrive in Shenzhen or Hong Kong to board a large ship.

3. World container export volumes in 2021 

In the annual ranking of the world's top 15 container ports in terms of throughput in 2021, nine of the top 10 ports are from Asia, seven of which are from China: the Port of Shanghai, the Port of Ningbo Zhoushan, the Port of Shenzhen, the Port of Guangzhou Nansha, the Port of Qingdao, the Port of Tianjin and the Port of Hong Kong.

4. Comparison of transit time and freight rates between basic and non-basic ports
  • Transit time from the basic port is generally 1 week faster than from the non-basic port. 
  • Freight from China to Latin America between basic and non-basic port is usually a difference between USD200-USD800. 

Freight quote for April 2022 between basic ports and small port FOSHAN.  


Finally, if you plan to import goods from China, the ideal is to ask your supplier to quote you from the basic ports and in FOB incoterm , not only for the cheapest freight but also for the shortest transit time. 

Escrito por Vivi

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